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Working in I.T. we are well aware of the requirement & necessity of privacy regarding sensitive information. As such, we take it very seriously. Please read the following privacy policy carefully & ensure you understand what each area means. if you do not understand or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Absolute I.T. may collect ‘personal information’ from clients to provide the I.T. services we provide. All information received in connection with a client matter is subject to strict duties of confidentiality. We are bound by the Privacy Act.
We collect Personal information and sensitive information as those terms are defined by the National Privacy Principles.
Types we might collect:
How we collect personal information and how it is used/disclosed are all agreed upon by our client first & foremost.
Usually at first contact we will need to obtain details from the client such as their name, address, telephone, email and other contact details. We sometimes also require contact details of other relevant parties. We might also need information such as names of your staff and other sensitive information.
We collect Personal information by taking your instructions, from others with your consent or from other persons. Absolute I.T. will not use or disclose your personal information for any other purpose than the primary purpose of collection unless certain strict matters apply as set out in the National Privacy Principles.
Absolute I.T. may use your personal information to contact you to inform you of our other services that may be of assistance to you, promotions, and significant changes to the company. We will not sell your personal information to any third party for their/our marketing purposes. If you do not wish to receive such material from us please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 000 248 (ext 1) or by mail to Shop 3, 72 – 76 Sugar Road Maroochydore 4558 QLD.
We may have to disclose your personal information to third party providers. If this is the case, we will inform you & get approval before this occurs. Any information we disclose will be purely for software/services that are being provided to you. We will not sell this information.
Time when we might disclose your personal information:
We take all reasonable steps to ensure your personal and confidential information is kept secure from unauthorised access, disclosure, misuse or modification. This is done by securing your information in our encrypted programs on computers which are also encrypted & protected behind firewalls. No information is stored on ANY servers outside of Australia. Our offices are always locked when no one is in the office. Also, we have motion detection alarms & camera security. We will never send sensitive information via email unless encrypted. Sensitive documents in paper form are ALWAYS shredded when no longer in use. We archive documents/information that is no longer used. All security adheres to the Privacy Policy Act 1988.
Email Security is important to us. As such, we have taken precautions to protect & validate our identity – We recommend you do too. Digital signatures are a form of ‘non-repudiation’ as an email that is signed with a private key can only be read using the senders public key. A public key is stored with a trusted certificate authority (CA) and can not be altered. So, we digitally sign every email we send & reply to. Also, we encrypt all important/sensitive information for yours & our privacy. To verify a digitally signed email on major email providers, please see below:
For other email clients/browsers there may be other methods, however, for ease of use & security, Outlook is the recommended client to use.
We take all reasonable steps to ensure your personal and confidential information is kept secure from unauthorised access, disclosure, misuse or modification. This is done by securing your information in our encrypted programs on computers which are also encrypted & protected behind firewalls. No information is stored on ANY servers outside of Australia. Our offices are always locked when no one is in the office. Also, we have motion detection alarms & camera security. We will never send sensitive information via email unless encrypted. Sensitive documents in paper form are ALWAYS shredded when no longer in use. We archive documents/information that is no longer used. All security adheres to the Privacy Policy Act 1988.
If you are aware of any personal information that we hold needs updating, please inform us.
You may contact us on 1300 000 248 or at and request to access/change your personal information that we hold about you. There may be instances where we do not believe it is reasonable to access the information – we will tell you if that is the case.
We reserve our right to change this privacy policy as needed to accommodate changes in requirements, in the law and in technology.
If you believe we have committed any breach you may lodge a complaint with us by phoning 1300 000 248, writing to Shop 3 72 – 76 Sugar Road Maroochydore, 4558 or emailing at If you feel we have not adequately handled your concern you may refer the matter to the Federal Privacy Commissioner by phoning 1300 363 992 or writing to the Director of Complaints, Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner, GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 1042.
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