
Absolute IT is a team of technicians who offer Managed IT services to businesses in Rocklea. We specialise in small, medium & large business IT, providing services for all IT from phone systems to servers to workstations to networking to help desk and everything in between. Established for over 13 years, our experience allows us to handle any problem and come to you with cost-effective, future proof solutions.

IT – Tailored To your Business

We believe in providing the most appropriate IT solution in Rocklea, tailored to each client. We have clients in many industries of all sizes from 2 staff members to 100+ staff members. So, we know the only way to quote a solution that is sure to fit your business model, is to follow these three steps.

A technology review is an audit of your entire IT infrastructure. Without this, we are unable to provide an appropriate solution to your managed IT support needs. Once the technology review has been conducted, you will be given a report. So, you can make an educated decision moving forward whether we are your managed IT services provider or not.


Managed IT Services

Correct management of IT can make or break a growing business. Are you wasting money on local hardware when you should be heading to the cloud? Maybe your staff performance is lacking due to low quality computers/software? Having a skilled managed IT service provider can make all the difference. So, Absolute IT provides the following:

  • Business email hosting & cloud solutions.
  • Server & workstation management.
  • Cyber security services.
  • Network design.
  • IT help desk.

We understand that in business, it’s all about cost control & making sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck. So, that’s why we believe to reduce your down-time & quantify your future costs you need to be pro-active. As such, our pro-active IT solutions are catered specifically to every business we manage. Our service level agreements & managed services agreements give you the following:

  • Personalized IT support for your staff.
  • Asset management.
  • Discounted backup, security & monitoring solutions.
  • Click the image above to read more or give us a call on 1300 000 248.
Cyber Security

Cyber Security has become a major problem in IT, areas we can secure and assist:

  • Emails – Securing your emails can mitigate common ways attackers gain access networks.
  • WiFi – There could be someone outside your office trying to gain access to your network?
  • Computers – Anti-Virus software, group policy, restrictions, controlled updates, the list goes on!
  • Cyber Insurance – They’ll insure you, but will they cover you? We can prepare you for Cyber Insurance.
  • Network – Firewall gateways, intrusion prevention/detection systems, filtered traffic, Honeypot devices.

Services Broken Down

Networking & Internet

We specialise in networking. If you are in Rocklea & having issues with your modem, router, switches, VoiP phones, PABX system, internet, WiFi or anything to do with your network – We can help.

Computers & Servers

Businesses benefit from having a local server, this can be useful for storing important data, managing the network & many other uses. Computers are the life of a modern business, if you are in Rocklea just ask us.


In a modern business the most crucial marketing comes from a customers ability to find you in a google search. If you are in Rocklea & don’t have a website or worse yet, have a website but not appearing on the first two pages.

Point Of Sale System

A solid POS can increase efficiency & lower training times for employees at a restaurant, cafe or retail store. We specialize in Kounta, so if  you own/manage a POS based business in Rocklea – We can increase your sales.

Backup Solutions

One of the biggest issues we face with new clients is their lack of a backup solution. Some businesses don’t even back up their data! We’re not saying it’s your fault, it’s the IT team’s responsibility. Let us take care of your data.

Email Solutions

Do your emails bounce? Do you get a lot of SPAM? Have you ever accidentally clicked on an email that had a virus attached? Our guess is that most will say yes to at least two of these. The solution – Office 365. Contact us to find out why.

Full IT Solutions

Pro-active maintenance is key to an always running business. Gone are the days that you can be reactive to issues regarding your IT. For full IT support in Rocklea, get on an SLA where we take care of all your IT needs.

Printer Solutions

Sick of your old Printer? Printers were a pain many years ago and not much has changed. We can get your printer working although, if you need a new printer in Rocklea, let us provide you with a working solution.

New Computer Setups

At Absolute I.T. we build our computers, so we can provide the best service. We keep all parts in stock, so when you call needing computer support in Rocklea, we’re out there on the day with parts ready to fix the computer.

Virus Removal

Have you accidentally clicked a link you shouldn’t have? Or downloaded a suspicious file to your computer. Turn off your computer & contact us before it’s too late! We will come out on the day to solve the problem.

Apple Device Solutions

We don’t just specialize in Windows & Linux. We are proud to say we support Apple products too. Supporting Macbooks, iMacs, iPads & iPhones we can repair your device & provide solutions for new devices too.

Onsite Computer Repairs

If your computers, server, network, or internet is currently down – Call us! We can be out there on the day to repair any issues. If you need computer repairs in Rocklea, we will work diligently to solve the issue on the day.


Please find our most commonly asked questions below.

Absolute IT deliver cloud-first managed IT services including solutions for cyber security, email, servers, networking, voice/phones, work stations, device management, training and more.

For a service that you can count on with a personalised on-shore team – Call Absolute IT.

Think of us as your internal IT team. With predictable monthly costs including discounted labour rates, discounted hardware and software, allocated monthly hours to pro-active maintenance & hardware support as well as a team you know and trust. Managed IT services are applicable to all business shapes & sizes in any industry, it all comes back to how mission-critical operation time and productivity of your admin staff is to you.
If you think this is relevant to you, start the process here.

We have a 4 stage onboarding process:

We’ll send you an information sheet to fill out.
We will send indicative pricing.
We may also recommend an IT audit. If an audit is performed we will collate all of our findings and meet to discuss our recommendations.
We implement the recommendations and onboard you as a client.

The purpose of this process is to be as transparent & prepared as possible, and to give you the opportunity to see who we are and how we operate.

As an MSP, we help in multiple areas here:

If your IT team have a large project that they requires more man-power or maybe is outside of their knowledge, we can assist.
Maybe you need more help-desk coverage due to a lack of IT staff availability.
We can manage your licensing.
We are cyber security focused, which means we can manage the security for your email system, network, servers or endpoints.

Find more information here.

We do not provide ongoing Ad-Hoc support to companies.
We will perform single projects and work with companies that are only looking for temporary support. However, we know that managed IT services are more reliable, transparent, pro-active and provide clearer expectations – as such, it is our recommendation.


If you are in need of our managed IT services Rocklea just give us a call on 1300 000 248, email us at or fill out the form on the right. We will be right with you, ready to give you the best managed computer support possible.

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