Browser Our Services
Managed IT Services Provider
Whether you’re a small resort management team with a single computer, a real estate franchise with 20 staff or a larger construction company with 40 admin staff; your IT needs to be available & performing. An in-house IT team can cost a fortune, no IT team can cost a fortune – with that, we aren’t […]
Remote Work Stations
As a result of technological improvement and collaboration tools, many people are working from home nowadays. It’s important you are set up correctly at home to avoid security risks and data vulnerability. Some companies may face risks in not being able to support large numbers of VPN connections to their servers. This can discomfort employees and reflect on their productivity.
Video Conferencing
The demand for video conferencing is always increasing, and the tools to support this have never been greater. Video conferencing allows real-time communication between people among different locations. Some benefits of video conferencing include reduced travel time and costs relating to transport, optimized attendance in allowing people from different locations to tune in.
New computer setups
Already bought a new workstation or PC but not quite sure how to set it up? Need to purchase a laptop but not sure which one or how to migrate all your data over? We’re customer centric and understand that we can’t all be experts at everything! Let us help you along the way.
Printer Solutions
Being that the majority of printers/scanners & document centers are now accessed via the network, there can sometimes be complications. We have recommended printer companies and companies that we advise you to stay away from. Do not hesitate to seek our knowledge in the area.
Custom Computer, Workstations & Server Sales
Need a new computer, work station or server? Let us customise a solution. We live and work on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and while we love the beach and our Summer heat we know computer equipment doesn’t! These are factors we take into consideration when we build anything.